We developed our beliefs…
Posted on 19 January 2018
The Girl Guide promise includes the line
‘To be true to myself and develop my beliefs’.
This was our theme during the Autumn 2017 term, assisted by a grant from Thorntons Derbyshire Fund and activities provided by Derby Open Centre.
The Guides spent a day finding out about different religions by following a ‘faith trail’ from a Hindu Temple we they decided that Hanuman was the most interesting god, to a Mosque where we learnt that we had lots in common with people who follow Islam, to a Sikh Temple where we tried tasty new foods.
The girls had great fun learning about Asian weddings, where they dressed up in some very fancy gear and made some creative badges with their names written in Arabic.
We then all sliced, chopped and fried as we learnt how to make a very yummy curry together.
Thank you to the Derby Open Centre, Thorntons Derbyshire Fund and Foundation Derbyshire for helping us all to have this fantastic experience.