Join Us

Here is some information which might be useful to know before you decide to join us!

We meet on Monday evenings during school term time at Somercotes Village Hall.

Proud to be recognised…

We wear a uniform because we are proud to be recognised as Guides and shows that we belong as a group. We also have our own necker, which costs £5 and can be purchased directly from the unit.
During our weekly meetings, most Guides wear jeans or leggings with their uniform top along with comfy footwear (we often run around playing games).
There are times we will ask Guides to wear smart uniform. This means that we would like you to wear your uniform top, necker, black trousers or skirt and black shoes.


Fun activities…

We often do activities outside the unit meeting place which involve the need for a waterproof coat, waterproof trousers and strong shoes/boots.

How much does it cost..?

‘Subs’ are £15 per half term, payable on the first week after each school holiday. This pays for the cost of hiring the hall, insurance, the equipment we use for activities, the cost of resources, a subscription to Girlguiding UK and training for the leaders.
The unit needs to pay for these costs whether or not your daughter attends every week, which is why we cannot offer refunds if your daughter does not attend.
If you are unable to pay half-termly because of financial difficulties, please let us know and we will make alternative payment arrangements.

Trips and camping…

We go on at least one trip out every term as well as residential trips two to four times each year. There is an extra cost for these optional activities, but we try to keep this as low as possible and do not make a profit from them. We offer payments in instalments and will apply for grants for Guides who cannot attend any activities due to financial constraints (please note – applying for a grant is at the discretion of the leaders and is not a guarantee that the grant will be awarded). We can also lend camping kit to Guides who cannot afford the equipment needed.


Groundrules and bullying…

We have a set of ‘groundrules’ which are made each year by the Guides. This will include what will happen if a Guide does not behave according to the ‘groundrules’. This is sent out to the parents each year.

1st Somercotes Guides does not tolerate bullying. If you become aware of any bullying happening in our unit, please inform one of the leaders, in confidence, so that we can deal with it.

Our community…

It is important to us to be part of our community. There are two community events each year which we expect the Guides to attend. The first is the Remembrance commemoration which takes place at 5.45pm on Rembrance Sunday. The second is the Parish Council Christmas carol service, where we form a choir with the Brownies and Rainbows. We send information to parents about these events in advance.

We’d love you to be involved!

We really appreciate help from parents! This could include help with moving equipment, putting up tents, giving lifts to other Guides or fundraising activities. Your support helps keep our group going…

Joining us…

If you or your daughter would like to join 1st Somercotes Guides, please click on the link below and we will be in contact to arrange your first meeting. You can also use this link to join Somercotes Brownies or Rainbows. If you would like to have a chat about Guides before you or your daughter joins, our details are on the contact page.

Join us today »

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Website designed by Kolodo


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